All of the Above with James Brown
The James Brown Commentary
"Now, there's no valley"

"Now, there's no valley"

A new rush hour emerges

Remember when rush hour was, well, rushy? Those days are gone, folks.

The 9-to-5 grind has morphed into a 10-to-4 slide, according the I-N-R-I-X … say that three times fast… 2023 Global Traffic Scorecard.

That group looks at web, phone and road traffic to to get  a picture of how we use the three.

And they found that our commutes are having a midlife crisis. Or midday crisis. 

rush hour

There's now a "midday rush hour." That's right, noon traffic is up a lot. 

 “Pre-Covid,” said one of the study’s writers. “The morning rush hour would be a peak and then the evening peak would be much larger. Now, there is no valley.”

This shift is fascinating. It's like we're all playing hooky, but with our boss's blessing.

They're calling it "coffee badging" - popping into the office just long enough to be seen, then skedaddling. Over half of hybrid workers admit to this drive-by working.

Even with this shift in some of our offices: we're still burning out. Only a third of us are really engaged at work. The rest? We're either checked out or actively looking for the exit.

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So, what gives? Are we working smarter or hardly working? Is this flexibility freeing us or just blurring the lines between work and life?

What do you think? Are you a coffee badger? Or are you still clocking in the old-fashioned way?

Let me know in the comments and support my work at

"On that note, I'm James Brown and as always, be well."

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All of the Above with James Brown
The James Brown Commentary
Musings on news, life, and television. A few minutes a day, five days a week. Proudly based in Rochester, New York. Brought to you by Modern Fire Studios.