All of the Above with James Brown
The James Brown Commentary
That first job

That first job

And why kids are getting them sooner than they have in decades

That first job…  this is commentary from James Brown.

My first job was about 25 years ago.
As strange as that sounds to me.
I grew up very poor and I had an independent streak. So when Ma refused to give me money and told me to get a job. I did. 

I found a Wendy’s. It’s still open today. Not far from where I live.
Two shifts a week, after school, I flipped burgers. I hated it but that experience helped me become me. 

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Working isn’t just about earning and managing money— it's about learning who you are, who you want to be, and what you do and don’t want to do with your time.

Those experiences have been on the decline for some time. 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 40 percent of teens are looking for work today. That number hasn’t been that high since I was back at that grill. 

The change, like much else appears to be inflation’s fault. These kids aren’t going to work to learn about themselves. They’re going to work to help ease their family’s financial burdens. 

If there’s one silver lining about tough times, it's that good people sacrifice to make their lives just a little better

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So, what do you think? What was your first job? Share your thoughts and don’t forget to visit

On that note, I’m James Brown, and as always, be well.

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All of the Above with James Brown
The James Brown Commentary
Musings on news, life, and television. A few minutes a day, five days a week. Proudly based in Rochester, New York. Brought to you by Modern Fire Studios.