The crowd at the Libertarian Party national convention shouted boos as former President and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump took the stage for 34 minutes… his shortest speech of this campaign season.
He was invited to speak there by Libertarian Party leadership.
The boos intensified when Trump asked attendees to quote “nominate me or at least vote for me.”
"In this past year I've been indicted by the government for 90 some times,” said Trump. “If I wasn't a libertarian before I am now."
Yeah right.
I applaud him for at least attempting to reach out beyond his base. If reelected he’d be president of us all. But you have to wonder what exactly did Donald Trump think this group of hardcore libertarians would react to him?
Three years isn't a long time ago. And if we've learned anything about the Trump presidency it's that he is one of the least libertarian presidents in recent memory.
Trump wants a bigger, more powerful federal government. Under Trump the size of the government grew, and spending spiked. To be fair, part of that was due to Covid-19 but trend line was already way up
No wonder the libertarians booed him off the stage. How could they not?
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On that note I’m James Brown and as always be well.
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