All of the Above with James Brown
The James Brown Commentary
One Job or Two

One Job or Two

More contradictions from the American economy

Ever feel like the economy is playing a cruel game of tug-of-war with your wallet? Well, you're not alone.

Two reports just dropped, and surprise, surprise - they're contradicting each other. It's like the economic equivalent of your parents saying "yes" and "no" at the same time.

On one hand, inflation's holding steady. July’s numbers say its roughly 2.5 percent. The Fed's even hinting at lowering interest rates. Sounds peachy, right?

But here's the kicker: more Americans are picking up second jobs. In that same month, July, the Wall Street Journal reports that 5.3 percent of us are moonlighting. I know I am. That's up from 4 percent in April 2020. Frankly, that number feels low.

Now, I'm no economist, but something doesn't add up. If things are so rosy, why are folks hustling harder than a used car salesman on commission?

Maybe it's the gig economy making side hustles easier. Or maybe it's just that good old American can-do spirit. I’m sure both play a part in this.

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But let's be real. For many of us, it's about keeping food on the table and a roof over our heads. It's not ambition; it's survival.

This isn't just about numbers. It's about real people juggling multiple jobs, missing family dinners, and burning the candle at both ends and the social stress and consequences that come with all that.

So, what gives? Are we thriving or just surviving? Is this the new American Dream - work two jobs to afford to live like you did a few years ago?

What do you think? Are you part of the moonlighting crowd? Or are you watching from the sidelines, wondering if you're next?

Let me know in the comments and support my work at

On that note, I'm James Brown and as always, be well.

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All of the Above with James Brown
The James Brown Commentary
Musings on news, life, and television. A few minutes a day, five days a week. Proudly based in Rochester, New York. Brought to you by Modern Fire Studios.