The US is the 23rd happiest nation on earth, dropping out of the top 20 for the first time in the history of the World Happiness Report.
It's put together by Gallup, the Oxford Wellbeing Research Center in the United Nations.
It released this time every year.
The report is an annual ranking of most nations according to, you guessed it, happiness.
And what is happiness anyway?
Gallup's Ilana Ron Levy told CBS that it's widely recognized that social support and feelings of loneliness are influential factors in determining overall happiness.
She also referred to a concept known as subjective world being, a term in use since the 1980s.
Subjective well-being is based on a cocktail of three items.
Positive affect, negative affect, and life satisfaction.
That those would factor into this rings true for me and confirms so much of what I see around me and what you hear on this program.
But I never quite know what to think of concepts like this because one person's happiness is another person's hell.
For me, happiness is always fleeting.
It's a moment in time.
Moments that often slip from my grasp.
What do you think?
And what is happiness to you?
And are you happy?
Tell me in the comments and support my work at or email me at
You can also leave me a message at 585-484-0339.
And if you like what I'm doing, share it with a friend.
On that note, I'm James Brown, and as always, be well.
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